Newcastle-headquartered Grainger plc, the UK’s largest listed residential landlord, announced that it has been added as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for Europe for 2025.
“This recognition places Grainger among the top-performing businesses for sustainability in Europe and highlights its leadership in environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices,” said Grainger.
“Inclusion in this index reflects Grainger’s commitment to ESG practices. Grainger has been a FTSE4Good constituent since 2010 and previously won the EPRA Outstanding Contribution to Society Award for the Environmental category in 2023.
“The DJSI is among the most respected sustainability benchmarks, assessing companies based on a stringent set of criteria that measures ESG performance.
“Grainger is one of only four European real estate companies to meet the threshold this year, recognising its on-going commitment to sustainable development.
“This achievement reflects Grainger’s dedication to reaching its sustainability goals, including achieving net zero carbon operation of its buildings, together with its commitment to being a responsible business.”
Helen Gordon, Chief Executive of Grainger, said: “Being recognised as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for Europe is a significant achievement.
“This further highlights our commitment to maintaining sustainability at the core of our business and driving positive impact for our communities. We will continue to build on this recognition to deliver positive outcomes and create a lasting impact for our stakeholders.”