James Halstead sees full-year profit above market

James Halstead plc, the commercial flooring manufacturer and international distributor based in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, said full-year profit, cash levels and dividend would be higher than last year and ahead of market expectations. 

Its results for the year ended 30 June 2024 are scheduled to be announced on 1 October. 

The company said it saw “continued confidence in the segment of resilient sheet flooring that is sold into the healthcare, education and other institutional sectors.”

“Regionally sales into the Middle East and the Americas have been particularly buoyant. Some of the Company’s products are focused on domestic sectors and performance of these products have been weaker in several territories – the UK and Europe being the most significant.”

“There have been gains on lower raw material pricing although energy costs, principally electricity, remain high. Notwithstanding the fall in raw materials costs during the year these input costs, in general, are around 50% ahead of June 2020 levels.”

In summary, it said: “Profit before tax will be at record levels and in line with upwardly revised market expectations.”